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Generational Wealth: Always 2nd and Never Enough/ 看見心理 李俊弘實習諮商心理師


李俊弘 James Lee 實習諮商心理師

Generational Wealth: Always 2nd and Never Enough/看見心理 李俊弘實習諮商心理師

“I’m nothing more than a puppet. I’m only here to live by your rules.”

Having heard your parent’s and grandparent’s path to success a hundred times over, you can’t help but wonder if it really was that tough. Did they really sacrifice everything and work 80 hour weeks to provide for the family? Did they even know what they were doing when they were going door-to-door looking for work? Did they truly believe that they were going to be successful one day? It may be difficult to imagine what they went through during their time, but their story seems so distant to you, yet their values and traditions still govern your everyday life.

Let’s work together to learn how to navigate these outdated values and traditions, and realize that there’s an entire life out there free from the shadows of said titans.

To be shadowed by titans and pressured by the need for success can be suffocating and depleting. Whether you’re part of a family of doctors that expect you to be no less than a dentist or you’ve been identified as the successor for the family business, the burden and constraints from familial expectations can often overshadow your own visions. You’ve pushed your own wants and needs out the window, just to fulfill the expectations of the family. You’ve lost faith, you’ve lost purpose, and somewhere along the way, you’ve lost yourself too.

Let me help you in finding yourself, finding your purpose, and realizing your true potential. Because you are more than you know.

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